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Studio          Team         Startups          Cases

We create and develop startups in founder roles with the aim of selling them later on.

Startup Studio is our team of entrepreneurs who are engaged in the development of several projects at once in the position of founders. This activity is systematized and streamlined. Our format of participation can vary: from external projects, where we own a minority stake and join the funder, to fully affiliated projects that we create on our own. All projects - both external projects with a minority stake and fully subsidiary projects - are developed for the purpose of the subsequent sale of our share in that business.

The main value of entering a startup is the work of experienced entrepreneurs motivated by a minority stake, who fill a number of missing positions in the project while requiring no salary. That is, we work for the project for free and can only recoup our labor costs if we are successful. Success in this sense has clear metrics - the sale of a company's share must: a) become possible; b) cover all costs incurred; and c) generate the expected profit. Since everyone on the team is interested in the growth and development of the company, this is a true "Win-Win" strategy for the founders and our startup-studio team.

Priority stage:

We can bring maximum benefit to early-stage startups today - these are Seed and Pre-Seed. These stages are characterized by having a product that sells in one way or another, but to scale the project we need new R&D, money to improve production processes, pilots with corporations, and so on.

ИННОПОРТ: бизнес-планы, упаковка проектов, инвесторы

Startup business areas:

We work for future royalties from the sale of a share and will never enter a project that we do not know how and to whom we can sell. So the list of industries is determined primarily by our personal base of contacts with major players and industry investors, as well as our entrepreneurial competencies in that market. 

But first and foremost we, as people with our own views and beliefs, are interested in projects that can be generally described as eco-friendly. The following industries (markets) in which such a startup should operate can be identified in more detail:


It is important not just to figure out how to break down the waste into fractions, it is important to understand what to do with it next, so that it will be a profitable venture capital business and not charity. In particular, we are very interested in recycling batteries. Remember, we are only looking at eco-friendly technologies.

Personalized Medicine. 

This could be classical pharmaceuticals or natural remedies as well as new innovative devices, gadgets, sensors, micro-robots and other solutions for individual use. This can also include biomedical and neuropharma solutions.

Here it is worth to pay attention that we do not consider projects which have not proven their harmlessness for humans and the environment. In other words, you first need to invent a product, then prove its effectiveness and harmlessness, and then you can turn to us to scale up the project and bring it to new markets and deals with investors and industrial partners.


It combines solutions in the field of unmanned transportation, drones, and various logistics robots, as well as solutions that increase the safety and efficiency of their use. In general, these are products for three STI markets at once: Aeronet, Autonet and Marinet.

Personal alternative energy. 

Technologies that make it possible to generate electricity without being connected to centralized sources. These can be products that use energy from the sun, wind, water, or something else. It is important that we do not believe in the industrial application of such solutions, but in individual applications - in one's own home or on one's own private property. But the project must be profitable, which means it must sell well and have wide prospects in terms of the market. And to do this, the solution itself must stand out from the numerous analogues and have unique technical characteristics. 

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